When there is inequality when finding quality!!

When there is inequality when finding quality!!

What do you need to do when you have challenges with attention to detail and quality?

I recently created an article talking about Natural and Adaptive behaviours and the merits of finding alignment to your natural behaviours usually to assist you with performance, reduces stress and so on.

What happens if we are in a job or a situation when we are forced to adapt, does this mean we can’t go forward, how do we rise to this challenge?

Let’s face it we often must adapt to situations that life and job scenarios throw at us, here are a few tips on how to handle this. I have chosen a behavioural dimension suited to attention to detail and quality as the behavioural dimension however some aspects of this are transferable to other areas of behaviour

If we have a challenge on quality I would: –

  • Get organised, even if this isn’t your genius, learn how, it will save you time and energy, a practical solution I know but trust me you need to get good at this. If you are chaotic and let things slip there will be an impact, usually in business this is financial. Plan each day, Pareto wasn’t wrong!!
  • Limit distractions, work on only your priorities and find out fast what doesn’t serve you, most people have no more than three critical priorities each day, go relentlessly at completing these.
  • Take regular breaks, as you are “adapting” from your natural state its important you take regular breaks to re-energise and get back to the natural battery charger, it works.
  • Embrace your routine, get to like your routine and be target and outcome objective as getting through this adaptive state with your focus will drive you forward to complete tasks and it won’t be as much a chore. Look at it as being beneficial.
  • Reward yourself, you have done well, reward yourself in some way in completing these adaptive tasks, it’s all in the how!!

At Innermetrix we coach what’s in you and what can be strengthened in you, if you need more information on the topic above, please get in touch, go for it!!

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