World class solutions for everyday business problems


Job Benchmarking

When recruiting for a new team member or assessing the talent in your existing team, it is vital to ensure a successful outcome for all involved so we dig a bit deeper in the selection process.

We help our clients review their current process with a view to implementing some new ideas and technology to sharpen the tools and get the decision making right.

An example of what we regularly see with our clients is them spending a small percentage of their time actually doing recruitment as they have their main job to do as well, which in turn dilutes the selection process and harms decision making.

Even if hiring new talent is a core function of their role we can make seismic improvements to enhance the recruitment process or reduce attrition levels adding value to the balance sheet and p&l.

Other examples we see affecting performance taking so much time include:

And many more … The outcomes can very often be:

The list goes on which is why it is essential to set up your recruitment strategy with a policy providing double the security letting us help.

To ensure we minimise the risk of getting the selection process wrong and get the right person in the right role by assessing both hard and soft skills we are laying the foundations to secure what the business needs and a new team member that is happy in their role.

A bit more on the “how we do this“:


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How do you create your jobs specs.?

“Job benchmarking is creative art and all-important aspects of the job must be covered “

Are you using an old job spec? when was it created and what has changed since?

What things should you consider relevant to the job spec?

Where do you start????

All these questions are relevant to the outcome, you want to create the job spec for numerous reasons, could it be to attract the correct candidate from an advert OR is it a job spec sighting a list of duties and responsibilities for clarity and measurement?

What should I include?

I would always start with the key priorities, ask yourself this question, if the job could talk what would it say to you?  or in other words what are the top three priorities you are measured against and where you spend most of your time, what will you be judged upon?

You are often hired for hard skills and fired for soft skills?

What are hard skills and what are soft skills?

Let’s start with hard skills, say you are a domestic electrician of 15 years with all your relevant certification in place, by definition you are an electrician!!! It would say this on your cv or resume, this means your hard skills say you are an electrician HOWEVER it doesn’t say if you are a good dependable electrician who turns up on time, works with accuracy and quality, at pace, gets on with people and having customer service skills and so on, these can be classed as soft skills and where job specs and recruitment hires fail completely.

News flash !!! your soft skills drive ALL your hard skills; hard skills can be acquired but won’t be acquired until you truly oversee and are aware of your soft skills alignment and development.

This must all be taken into consideration when creating the job spec for definition, clarity and purpose, a good defined job spec should lead to good questioning in both areas and a successful recruit leading to longevity, performance and satisfaction for all.

If you want to know how to create a job benchmarking strategy, get in touch with innermetrixuk.co.uk and we can help you save money on a successful recruit!