Home working, yes or no????

Home working, yes or no????

Recent studies have shown a differing opinion regarding home working has worked in some instances but not in others with companies looking at cost-cutting and even reducing headcount.

The COVID scenario has forced our hands to do things differently including a spotlight on homeworking in terms of keeping jobs open and the economy working, in some cases, we haven’t had a choice, it all about safety and wellbeing. The homeworkers have allowed organisations to “keep the lights” on however its quoted after furlough 50% of UK business may reduce headcount. There is also the cultural and teamworking factor that is missing from home working and this may affect motivation for some as they will feel detached and not included in the journey, it could certainly affect your finances in the long run, its decision time.

Lord Alan Sugar recently took part in a recent TV interview discussing the effect of homeworking and encouraging people where possible to get back to the office if safe to do so, I agree with this, people need to interact visibly in the main part to communicate but also run the business effectively.

Of course, there are obvious advantages of working in the office environment, consider the following:

  • How do you know you are doing well, how is your performance benchmarked?
  • Are you set up for working from home properly, does your house suit the business environment perfectly?
  • What if a client needs to meet you for meeting and wants to see your office environment and infrastructure and its project dependant?
  • Is there a cost to work from home?
  •  How do you learn from others?
  • What about effective communication??? One of the biggest single problems in business even when you are IN the office!!!
  • Your morale and your colleague’s morale, is it groundhog day yet?
  • Motivation and self-worth, need I say any more, sometimes it’s good to dress correct, go somewhere and be part of something, its social inclusion.


Regardless of any situation above Innermetrix UK are experts in all of the above areas to exceed your happiness and wellbeing, get in touch and get motivated!!!!

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