Difference Between Hard and Soft Skills

Difference Between Hard and Soft Skills

Hard skills are the job-related knowledge and abilities that employees require to effectively perform their work tasks. Whereas soft skills are personal attributes that enable employees to thrive in the workplace. Hard skills assist you in identifying candidates who are good on paper, while soft skills indicate which of these candidates are also good in person. This means that every employee must have a good mix of hard and soft skills in order to be successful in their role.

The biggest difference between hard skills and soft skills is how they are acquired. Hard skills are typically learned or acquired through education. They may occasionally include certifications. Soft skills, on the other hand, are developed. They can be trained, but they are usually based on personality. Below, we break down these differences in more detail:

Soft Skills

Soft skills are skills and abilities that are complex to measure and define. These are interpersonal skills that enable people to get along and cooperate with one another. Soft skills, which are difficult to learn, include things like character, teamwork, and overall understanding of and participation in your company culture.

Employees who are just beginning their career or changing to a new one may struggle with soft skills, particularly when interacting with co-workers.

Some examples of soft skills include:

  • Creativity
  • Persuasion
  • Collaboration
  • Adaptability
  • Emotional intelligence

Hard Skills

Hard skills are much clearer to measure and define. Hard skills are a specific set of technical skills needed to carry out the duties and responsibilities of a specific job. They are primarily the result of the knowledge, training, and experience you have gained throughout your life. You would not be able to perform a specific job if you lacked hard skills. It is common for industries and professions to emphasise the hard skills required to perform a job in the job description.

Hard skills are required aspects of a job role. Some examples of hard skills include:

  • Proficiency in a foreign language
  • Sales
  • Inventory control
  • Business analysis
  • Proficiency in specific computer programming
  • Coding
  • Cash flow management

At Innermetrix we identify what drives performance by highlighting an individual or teams’ natural talent. The application of our methodologies to profile behaviour, motivation, and engagement provides a clear picture to obtain the best possible outcome and develop high levels of self-awareness and authenticity.

We identify the cause of what is holding back progress and forward motion to help guide our clients to ensure their most important asset, their people are effective.

Companies that place a priority ensuring the dynamics of their in-house talent are in line with their job roles can create something very special.

To find out about how you can realise the following benefits listed above and for more information on how we can make this happen please call: 01698 892531.

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