How to keep yourself positive and motivated during lockdown!

How to keep yourself positive and motivated during lockdown!

How are we all coping during this lockdown? It is important that we look after ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, you must remember to be kind to yourself. At Innermetrix UK we believe this is a good time to form some wellbeing habits that can stay with you and serve for when we return to normal.

It doesn’t matter if you are furloughed or working remotely the principles are the same, if you are working from home hopefully you are working online ,working remotely still requires some forms of communication whether its visually via platforms such as Zoom, telephone or even via email, its important to have some form of human engagement for stimulation.

If you are at home you should be hopefully be surrounded by your loved ones however the temptation maybe to stay in bed longer and if you are tempted your family maybe tempted to do this too, DON’T! Work a positive family plan together and above all communicate.

Innermetrix UK are experts in behavioural communication at all levels, look out for a separate blog coming soon highlighting communication however in the meantime check out our website

Communication during remote working is critical

Use technologies like Teams, Skype, WhatsApp or Zoom to have morning catch-up meetings, get in there early it will shape your day. All these technologies can be used personally too, and we have been made aware from family group chats a system called house party is being used, check them all out.

It is important that you DON’T literally isolate during self-isolation!! use the above technology to talk to someone.

Physical wellbeing and avoiding cabin fever

Flying solo can hinder your motivation, once again have a plan and get up early and breathe and exercise, keep safe within the guidelines but encourage your household to take part with you , even get into the garden . Fresh air is a tonic and sets you up well for the day, get it done! One of the best ways to incorporate normality is to have some sense of normality , for example when you get up , when you have breakfast , when you shower etc, try and make sure here is some sort of positive normal discipline here that you would do if you were working , It will help bridge the change gap when lockdown is over , does that make sense? It starts with you.

There are many different styles of communication, how we observe and project ourselves , some of us are introverts some are extroverts etc, we will get into that later however as human beings we ARE social creatures in your own style, all of the above connects positively with engagement and keeps temptations away.

At we are experts on knowledge and coaching in all wellbeing topics, check back soon to for more tips and stay well !!!! if you have any question of course don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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