Know Yourself And Build Trust

Know Yourself And Build Trust

What is trust?

Trust can be defined as the connection in a relationship or an equilibrium and a shared concept between two or more parties, it’s a consistent experience of competence, integrity, honesty commitment and transparency. It’s the Gel that holds relationships together and builds value on the journey to an outcome where in your personal life or in business. If trust is achieved and aligned, you can literally move mountains and get what you want!!

What happens if trust is broken?

When trust is breached then the impact on the business or the person or the team can be disastrous. Trust comes in various forms for example you can have trust In a product or a service however when you wind things back trust all starts and finishes with people, remember Gerald Ratner’s  statement about his OWN jewellery brand being crap, do you trust anything on his shelves now if he had that o-pinion about his own products  ?

There are many trust own goals scored in business by loose lipped leaders who lacked self-awareness to damage control, remember Enron?

It all starts with trust in people

Trusts needs transparency and should be built daily with you and your team and any one you connect with your service and delivery mechanism and HOW you engage with your customers, employees etc

If you want to know how to start your journey to develop trust through better engagement and connections give us a call, it all starts with you !!

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